Killed by Riley Easterling, Dec 20, 2013, with .243 in Lincoln County.

10pt, 15.5 in wide, scored 117 2/8, weighed 210lbs.

 Shane, Riley's proud dad, said, "Riley and I had been getting pictures of this deer for the last week and I told him with the does we were seeing, it was just a matter of time.  Friday we decided to go to that stand even though it was hot and the wind was blowing.  Casen his 5yr old brother wanted to go so we all loaded up in the golf cart and headed out about 4:15.  We slipped up to the stand, and I looked out in the plot through the trees and saw a doe standing there.  Then I looked toward the back and saw the buck about 75 yards behind her.  Knowing the only way we were going to be able to get a shot was to get in the stand, I told Riley to move whenever the doe had her head down.  The buck was so focused on her that he did not notice all three of us getting into the box stand.  Once we all were in the stand, I started filming and Riley waited for the buck to turn broadside.  Finally he turned, and Riley shot and dropped him at 175 yards.  The celebration was on after that.  Was super cool to have both of my boys together for the hunt and great to see how much they enjoy it.  I am blessed much more than I deserve."